
My hometown Jinan(英语演讲:我的家乡——济南) PPT课件

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d Buddha Mountain.РThe Thousand Buddha MountainРCultureРJi’nan, with a history of more than 4,000 years, is among the cradles of Chinese civilization. It is among the famous historical and cultural cities approved by China State Council. Ji’nan, with profound cultural atmosphere, splendid humanistic environment, excellent public security condition and lower price level, is an ideal choice for foreigners to learn Chinese and Chinese culture.РF o o dРShandong cuisine 山东菜) monly known as Lu cuisine ( 魯菜) is one the Eight Culinary Traditions of China ("Eight Great Traditions",中国的八大菜系) and is also ranked among the four most influential among these ("Four Great Traditions",四大菜系). It is derived from the native cooking styles of Shandong.РJust go here—Furong Street !РMany traditional foods here !!


