of masterpiece ? of eastern and western culture(东西方对比欣赏)РIntroductionР国画Рthe most popular materials :paper and silkРscrolls 卷轴(hanging scrolls)? ? Р ? Lacquerware(漆器)Р Folding screens(屏风)РThree Main Themes Of Chinese PaintingР1.Landscape painting (山水画)Р2.Fiugre painting(人物画) Р3.Flower and bird painting(花鸟画)РLandscape paintingРa)the highest form of Chinese painting, ? b)this style is also referred to as “xie yi”(写意) or freehand style. ? c) two factions(宗派)? northern faction and southern faction of Chinese landscape painting ( 北宗和南宗)РSouthern FactionРRepresentative figure:? Wang Wei(王维) ?Drawing style:Р苏轼评价其:“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”?2. pure and tranquil ,fresh and refined (宁静淡远,清新脱俗)Р1.poetry-plementarity(互补)Р《送沈子福之江东》? ?杨柳渡头行客稀,?罟师荡桨向临圻。?惟有相思似春色,?江南江北送君归。Р罟(gu)师:渔夫,船夫?临圻(qi,或yin),圻:岸边Р临圻Р临圻