stakesР木版年画是一种传统民间艺术,是自雕版印刷术发明以后至近代印刷术出现之前最富特色的图画传播形式,至今仍在民间流传。?... is a traditional folk art, is the most special way of spreading pictures from the invention of block printing and the appearing of modern printing, is still popular among people. ?Comment:?lack of subject or conjunction, connotative meaning?Key:? a traditional folk art. It is the most special way of expressing things with pictures from the invention of block printing to the appearing of modern printing, and is still popular among people. ?Skill:?拆句法;加主语;状语后置РTypical MistakesР挂木版年画是春节一系列庆祝活动的一项重要内容。?Putting up wood engraving picture is one of the important activities during the Spring Festival. ?Comment:?good enough?Key:?Putting up / Pasting up / one of the Spring Festival celebrations.?Skill:?动作主语处理;长定语处理