fe and Death of Mr. Badman), 《圣战》(The Holy War)以及《天路历程》第二部。РPilgrim’s Progress ---an allegory of a man in search of salvationР这是一部寓言式小说。它借助于梦境的形式展开;作者叙述他在梦中所见,一个背着包袱的名叫“基督徒”的人正在看一本书,知道了他和他的一家所居住的城市将遭大火焚毁,惊慌得不知所措,一个名叫“宣道师”的人指点他必须逃离故乡“毁灭城”,到“天国城”去。?小说生动地描写了“基督徒”一路上经过“灰心沼”、“屈辱谷”、“死荫谷”、“浮华市集”、“怀疑堡垒”、“快乐山”,最后到达天国的艰难历程,宣扬了克服困难和战胜人性弱点以追求幸福未来的精神。Р这部小说具有明显的宗教意义,而在情节安排、人物刻画、细节描写等方面对于后来英国小说的发展有很大的影响。?The book’s most significant aspect is its satire, which without doubt is directed at the ruling classes. Especially well known is the description of the Vanity Fair. Here Bunyan gives a symbolic picture of London at the time: all things are bought and sold, including honor, title, kingdom, lusts; there cheating, roguery, murder, and adultery prevail.?Bunyan is known for his simple and lively prose style.