
介绍和问候---Introduction and greeting

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ood!РHow are you keeping??How are you feeling today? ?How is it going? ?How’s everything with you? ?What’s new?РHow to reply??好: I am fine./Fine, Thanks. ? Pretty good. ? So far so good. ?一般:Not bad. ? Just so-so.?不太好:Not so good. ? Not very well,I’m afraid. ?糟糕:Terrible!?若对方的回答是不太好或糟糕,我们可以说:? I’m sorry to hear that! ? What’s the matter?Р-What's up??-Not much! / Nothing!РNote: Don’t reply: ”I‘m fine.”РWhen you first met each other...Р你好!?-How do you do??-How do you do??很高兴认识你!? Nice/Glad to meet you! ? I’m glad/pleased to meet you!РI’m happy to make your acquaintance.?I’m very glad to have the opportunities of meeting you.?I’ve always wanted to meet you.?I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.Р好久不见!РLong time no see!?I haven’t seen you for a long time.?It’s a long time since we last met.


