university or college.Р新英格兰地区拥有全美国最好的教育环境。这里有着一大批的世界顶尖?的大学或学院。РNew England has eight Ivy League schools in four:? 新英格兰拥有八所常春藤盟校中的四所:Р1. Cambridge is located in the Harvard University? 位于剑桥的哈佛大学Р2. Yale University in New Haven? 位于纽黑文的耶鲁大学Р3. Located in Hannover (New Hampshire) of Dartmouth College? 位于汉诺威(新罕布什尔)的达特茅斯学院Р4. In the providence of Brown University ? 位于普洛威顿斯的布朗大学РFive college is located in the Pioneer Valley of western ?anization:? 位于西马萨诸塞先锋谷的五所学院组织:а ● The Amherst College in Amherst? 位于艾莫斯特的艾莫斯特学院??● Located in Amherst, Bushehr Institute of? 位于艾莫斯特的罕布什尔学院?? ● Located in South Hadley enrichment HaoYou Keshan ? Institute? 位于南哈得利的豪友克山学院?? ● Bei'an is located in the town of Smith College? 位于北安普顿的?? ● Located in Amherst Massachusetts State University at? AmosTe ? 位于艾莫斯特的马萨诸塞州立大学艾莫斯特分校