of ___________ thinkingРtestРroteРtoo much homeworkРclassesРis ignoredРcreativeР2. What are its strengths and weaknesses?РWhich should be emphasized in education?РKnowledge or CreativityРText A : ? Learning, Chinese – styleРStep 1РSKIM the whole text for a general idea:Р( by fast reading each beginning and ending sentence of each paragraph):Р Type of the passage ( narrative, exposition, argument)? Who and What (and when and where)РSkim and find out :РWho :РI ( Howard Gardner, the writer, Professor of education at Harvard University ) ? my wife Ellen ? my son Benjamin ? my Chinese colleagues? the Jinling Hotel staffРWhen & Where :Рin the spring of 1987?in the eastern Chinese city of NanjingРWhat ?РSubheadings 副标题Р Two different ways to learn ? Teaching by holding his hand ? Creativity First