

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:8 |  大小:31KB

Brisbane city, which is good. So it’s not that hard to find modation around. There’s all the hostels around Brisbane. If you are looking for temporary stays, there’s a lot of real estate agents all around the city, outside the city, in the suburbs. Brisbane, the place that I live in now, it’s a pretty nice place. Unfortunately there is no beach. I start off with saying that. But they have all kinds of alternatives such as an artificial beach near the city. Brisbane city, always fun, always something to do, lots of shops, lots of food courts, which was new for me. So I’m here for five months already. Of course you miss home sometimes. But all the experiences, all the people you meet and all the things you see, so it’s totally worth it. So if you have the chance, I would definitely mend it.


