
曼德拉简介 英文 完整版

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he hammer of the armed resistance, will crush the apartheid.”Р*He was offered his release versus stopping the armed resistance ,but he refused.Р*He remained in prison until 11 February, 1990РNobel PrizeР*In 1993,Nelson won the Nobel Prize for Peace with President Frederick Declark Who was announced to stop the ban that was imposed on the African CongressРThe presidency of South AfricaР*Mandela became the first black president of South Africa (May 1994 - to June 2000).?*During his administration South Africa has seen a major transition from minority rule to majority rule.Р*In 2005, chosen by the United Nations Goodwill AmbassadorР*In July 2008, U.S. President e W. Bush's approved to delete the name of Mandela from the list of terrorism in the United States of AmericaРBy:? ?Omnia Nagy Hahsem


