
大学英语 1 unit2 sailing round the world

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ed around the world alone in a 55-foot sailing yacht, the longest passage made by a small sailing vessel without a port of call.РIn 1967, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.РIn 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea(塔斯曼海) from New Zealand to Australia.РIn 1929, he made a solo flight to Australia in a biplane.РIn 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea(塔斯曼海) from New Zealand to Australia.РAs a young man, he went to New Zealand to work as a miner, salesman and land agent.РIn 1929, he made a solo flight to Australia in a biplane.РIn 1931, he made the first eastward flight across Tasman Sea(塔斯曼海) from New Zealand to Australia.РSailingР■Рadj./adv.单独的(地)Рeven-handed 公平的Р-handed:表示"有...类型Рleft-handed 惯用左手的/向左旋的Рsingle-handedРhigh-handed 高压的Рempty-handed 空手的


