B SРR E G U L A R?V E R B SРI R R E G U L A R?V E R B SРIRREGULAR?VERBSРI n f i n i t i v eРP a s tРPast participleРSimple Past TenseРawokeРwas, wereРbecameРbeganРcaughtРateРPast ParticipleРawokenРbeenРeРbegunРcaughtРeatenРPresentРawakeРbeРeРbeginРcatchРeatРSome of the Irregular VerbsР* The simple past tense is one of the mon tenses in English.Р*Its form is the same with all subjectsР* It is usually formed by adding -ED to the verbР* This page will explain the rules for forming the tense with regular verbs …РVerb ending in...РHow to make the simple pastРExamplesРeРWe add -dРLive - livedРConsonant + yРChange y to i, we add -edРtry - triedРOne vowel + one consonant (but NOT w or y)РDouble the consonant, then we add -edРcommit - committedР[anything else]РWe add -edРboil - boiled?fill - filled