Y, CHILDREN’S HOSPITALРThe prevalence: ?In China (2004),an investigation from 9118 children in 15 provinces and 26 cities reveled that the prevalence?is 30.1% vs 16.8% for the children with 7~12mos? and 15.5% vs 4.4% for the children with 13~36mos?In the US?It is about 9% of 1-2 yr-olds are iron deficient; 3% have anemia.?Of adolescent girls, 9% are iron deficient and 2% have anemia.РINTRODUCTIONРINTRODUCTIONРHEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY, CHILDREN’S HOSPITALРIRON METABOLISMРCOMPARTMENT?Hemoglobin 64%?Storage iron 30%?Ferritin-SF?hemosiderin?Myloglobin 3%?Enzyme iron 0.4% ?Serum iron 0.4%РHEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY, CHILDREN’S HOSPITALРCONTENTS?New born 75mg/kg?Children 35-70mg/kg?Adults ?M 50mg/kg?F 35mg/kgРIron sources?Hemoglobin iron ?Dietary ironРHEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY, CHILDREN’S HOSPITALРIRON METABOLISM