ople responsible for the topic? 4. the approximated amount of time for each topic.РCategorizationР1. Formal agenda Р2. Informal agendaРFormal agendaРA formal agenda may include:Р1. call to order?2. approval of the agenda?3. approval of the minutes of the last meeting?4. reports?5. old or unfinished business?6. new business?7. announcement ?8. adjournmentРInformal agendaРA formal agenda may include:Р1.call to order?2.reports?3.discussion?4.decision?5.adjournmentРLayoutР(1) HeadingР(2) BodyРHeading? ?The heading includes:Рanization name?date and location of the meeting.РBodyРBody includes:?call to order?e remarks?approval of the minutes of the last meeting?reports ?old business?new business ?discussion leader of each topic?time allotment for each topic?other issues ?announcement ?adjournment