ed to get prepared. ” America is another important destination for Chinese tourists. In 2008, seeing the big increase in visitors from China, America began to launch Christmas tours for Chinese citizens. As a result, the annual number of Chinese tourists to this country passed the 1 million mark at the end of 2008, the National Tourism Administration of China said. And the 2-million mark is likely to be reached in 2015. Obviously, Chinese foreign tourism has promoted lucrative business for travel agencies both at home and abroad. Reading A Reading A 2 2中国游客改变世界旅游业黄孟,一位中国新闻媒体的资深记者,至今仍清晰地记得他在 20 世纪 90 年代中期第一次到美国旅游的经历。进入国立美国历史博物馆时,他看到那里有为游客提供的免费介绍册,却没有哪一本是中文的。结果,因为不会说英语,他在迷宫一般的巨大展区里迷路了。去年,黄孟再次去美国旅游。这次他发现博物馆里不仅提供中文宣传册,还有中文的网页。此外,一些商店的店员和饭店服务生会说普通话,很多旅馆的电视还播放中文频道。 Reading A Reading A