chnology the raw materials government +++ + industrial revolution break out The expansion of industrial revolution The beginning of industrial revolution time representative works inventor 1765 Jenny loom 哈格里夫斯 1769 hydraulic loom 阿克莱特 1779 mules machine( 骡机)克隆普顿 1785 Steam engine 瓦特 production technology ? The invention of the loom and the improvement of the steam engine ? The emergence of ships and trains Jenny loom ? The british clockmaker Arkwright( 阿克莱特) invented the hydraulic loom machine. This machine has four bearings, works with water power. Britain's first water powered loom factory appeared in the soon. ? The british worker Crompton( 克隆普顿) invented mules machine( 骡机). It is focus on the advantages of Jenny loom and hydraulic loom. Watt and his invented steam engine