aphasia) 2)刺激症状(Irritative symptoms ) excessive excitements that nervous structures appeared when they were stimulated (seizures, radical pain) 3.神经系统疾病的症状 3)释放症状( Liberated symptoms )When the higher centers were impaired, the function of the lower center that normally controlled by the former was liberated (pyramidal signs). 4)休克症状( Shock Symptoms ) ) ? Brain shock: ? Spinal shock: 第一章第一章绪论绪论(Introduction) (Introduction) ? 4.神经系统疾病与其他系统疾病的关系? 5.辅助检查对神经疾病诊断的意义? 6.治疗与预后第五章第五章神经系统疾病的定位诊断神经系统疾病的定位诊断( ( The Level Diagnostic for the The Level Diagnostic for the Neurological Diseases Neurological Diseases ) ) 第一节第一节脑神经脑神经 cranial nerves cranial nerves ?? 12 12对脑神经按其功能分为: 对脑神经按其功能分为: ??感觉神经: 感觉神经: I I、、ⅡⅡ、、ⅦⅦ对对??运动神经: 运动神经: ⅢⅢ、、ⅣⅣ、、ⅥⅥ、、ⅪⅪ、、ⅫⅫ对对??混合神经: 混合神经: ⅤⅤ、、ⅦⅦ、、ⅨⅨ、、ⅩⅩ对对