
高中英语教学资料(缙云中学)汇编-M1U4 M1U4grammar

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:33 |  大小:875KB

s ____ laugh at the disabled are not good students. Anyone ____ fails to finish the task should be punished. Those ____ want to go to The Great Wall sigh up here . who who who who 先行词是 one, ones, anyone, those 时用 who. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Wang Wei. First of all I would like to express my thanks to Mr Zhang Sha who gave me such a chance to talk to you. I would also like to thank you all ing on this special day. Here, I wish to express my thanks to the workers who helped during the terrible disaster. They worked hard to save others and to make them feel comfortable. I ’ d also like to thank the soldiers who worked day after day without rest to help those who were trapped in the earthquake. Now we see around us a new city. No words are A Speech:


