ior high school! 一、初高中英语的差异:内容、考法、教法二、高中英语课本的结构三、如何学习高中英语:主动学习一、What is the main difference between senior and junior English ?(初高中英语的差异)表现在:内容、考法、教法方面Characteristics of Senior English高中英语特点Large vocabularylong sentencelong passage语篇差异高中英语词汇量大增,语篇难度加大,句子比较长而复杂,多为并列句或复杂的复合句,即使没有生词,也很难弄懂,学生很难适应。需要有坚实的语法知识和语感.1. We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by rade from the People's Daily on current affairs in East Europe. 2. We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report. 3. We found the great hall full of students and teachers. 4. We found the hall full. 1. Vocabulary: more(3500以上) and more difficult 2. Grammar: plicatedandmore systematic 3. Articles: more long plicated sentences -- Reading(一)内容和要求方面的差异