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上传者:徐小白 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:38 |  大小:0KB

the measurement system the variation when different operators measure the same parts using the same device ? Minitab Menu : Stat / Quality Tools / Gage R&R Study or Gage Run chart ? Linearity : the difference in the observed accuracy values through the expected range of measurements ? Accuracy : the difference between the observed average measurement and a master value ? Stability : the total variation obtained with a particular device, on the same part, when measuring a single characteristic over time ? Minitab Menu : Stat / Quality Tools / Gage Linearity and Accuracy study ... ... .. ... .. .. . .. ... ... Accurate and precise precise but not accurate Accurate but not precise Not accurate or precise LG Electronics / LGENT 6 σ TASK TEAM ? 8- 9/37


