HOW OF THE STORY ? The second paragraph has less important information and begins to fill in details about the lead. Later paragraphs contain still less important information. This way of framing a news story is called the “ inverted pyramid ” News stories are packaged in these standard molds for a very good reason. 2017-1-30 英美报刊阅读 9 Eg : 1992, 7,31 afternoon, a airliner crash ? Refer to word doc. 2017-1-30 英美报刊阅读 10 ? Pyramid Style (金字塔结构): used to write complex /complicated emotional news event or story aimed to achieve suspense and interest (used to write soft news ) ? Sometimes a news story is plex ? Format: written in the chronological style ? With the climax at the end/ beginning+body+ending 不意味着事无巨细记流水账、需要概括力、抓住从一个阶段过渡到另一阶段的转折点或波峰来写。? Eg . Pet Deer Killer Fined $400