的工作,你使我们日常生活中很多事情成为可能。奥巴马( Obama ) My first meeting with Steve Jobs about 30 years ago. Since then, after half time, between the two of us as colleagues, competitors and friends relationships. 我与乔布斯的首次会面约在 30年前。自那时以来的后半生时间中,我们两人之间为同事、竞争对手以及好友的关系。比尔盖茨( Bill Gates ) Mourning 悼念 2011-10-07 由闽江学院电子系胡兵兵制作,缅怀乔布斯! Today is a very sad day. Steve created the trend with this generation of technology is unparalleled. Steve has such charm and intelligence, he encouraged people to complete the impossible dream, he will always be remembered as history's greatest inventors of the computer. 今天是我们非常悲伤的一天。史蒂夫创造的这一代潮流与技术是无与伦比的。史蒂夫如此具有魅力和才智, 他鼓舞人们去完成不可能的梦想,他将永远被铭记为历史上最伟大的电脑发明家。埃里克·施密特( Eric Schmidt ) 2011-10-07 由闽江学院电子系胡兵兵制作,缅怀乔布斯! Conclusion 结束语 At this moment the world lost a genius! 这一刻世界失去了一个奇才!