
高中语法 现在完成时和现在完成进行时PPT-课件【PPT演示稿】

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A ? “以前”用在完成时中,放在句末。 I have never read this kind of books before . just before “刚刚”用在陈述句中,放在句中。 I have just bought a novel 。 She began to work in 2005. She still works here now. She has worked at this school for 9 years. now past I began to teach English at this school five years ago. I have taught English at this school for five years. 用法 2: 过去发生的动作一直延续到现在。 1. I am a doctor. I began to work when I was 22.Now , I am 26. I ________ for four years. 2. We went to the USA last Monday. Today is Monday . We _________ (stay) in the USA since last Monday. have worked have stayed since and for The woman has worked at this school for 2 years.( since two years ago) since 2 years ago since 1998 since she came to the school) for + 时间段 since+ 时间点 for 2 years/a long time


