ll the time there is. The problem is not a shortage of time, but how we choose to use the time available to us.The key is to concentrate on the essentials, and ignore the non- essentials. 9态度介绍 Attitudes Introduction 中国谚语:要有所为和有所不为,生活的哲理在于去粗取精 Chinese Proverb:Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life lies in eliminating the non-essentials. 10 态度关键是如何思考 What You Think Is Critical 两种类型的人? Internals 内向的人-坚信能够改变世界 People who believe strongly that they can make a difference in the world. ? Externals 外向的人-认为不能控制或影响发生的事情,他们只是对环境作出反应, 并且总是抱怨所发生的事。 A People who believe they have no control or influence over the things that happen to them.They simply react to their environment and plain about what happens to them.