

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:21 |  大小:0KB

这些小诗“真像海滩上晶莹的鹅卵石,每一颗自有一个天地。它们是零碎的、短小的;但却是丰富的、深刻的”,可谓言之有理。 The furthest distance in the world What the story says is that when a bird flies across the vast and fantastic sea, it encounters a fish floating on the sea. Their eyes collide and they stare at each other. They surprisingly find that both of them have deeply fallen in love. The bird hovers in the air, unwilling to fly away. Meanwhile, this fish is also reluctant to sink to the bottom of the sea. However, their lives pletely different from each other after all. As a result, under no circumstances can they get together. Eventually this fish sighs and sinks to the bottom, while the bird also flies away. They meet in a hurry and separate in a hurry. Since then, this bird never flies over the sea, and the fish never surfaces.


