dehiscences?Definitionanterior tooth movement exceeds bony apposition can lead to resorption of the cortical bone and exposure of the root?High-risk populationmandible & maxilla protrusion expansion of the maxillary archExample 1Location of bone-thickness measurements before and after retractionS1S2S3Example 2rotated canines and crowding of the incisors are found in the pretherapeuticmandibularsituationcorresponding pretreatment CT examination:3D-reconstructionnarrow frontal mandibularalveolarprocesswith thin facial bone platesClinical situation after two years of orthodontic treatmentCorresponding CT examination:3D-reconstructionextensive facial dehiscencesabove the roots of the incisors and caninesDental anatomy?Alveolar bone proper ?Supporting alveolar boneCortical plate Spongy bone