现的。Although there are a lot of controversies about the origins of the AIDS , one thing isinternationally recognized.That is,this incurable disease was first discovered in Africa. The origin of AIDS以后大约在20 世纪60年代,这种艾滋病毒逐渐通过加勒比海地区传入美国东部、东南部,进而传入欧洲和亚洲,在全世界广泛蔓延。Later in the 1960 s, the AIDS virus spread to the eastern United States from the Caribbean, gradually southeast, and then spread to Europe and Asia, widely spread all over the world. Gay Cancergay cancer同性恋癌症(指卡波氏肉瘤) AIDS,最开始之所以叫GAY CANCER(同志癌),是因为当初从0到20号病例都是男同性恋或者有男同性恋经历者。同性恋癌症:由于艾滋病是在美国纽约的五名男同志上最初被发现的,所以艾滋曾被称为男同性恋癌症(Gay Cancer),自此以后,大众就把每一位男同性恋都等同于艾滋病带菌者,甚至认为艾滋病是男同志应得的天谴。至今这种偏见仍然处处可见。 A Story about Gay Cancer患艾滋病的症状 AIDS People's Lives?谢谢请关爱艾滋病患者,不要让艾滋之名束缚他们生命的自由Thank you