
2013年新外研版八年级上Module4 Unit1课件ppt 新

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a good choice. n.选择adj.新式的,现代的The traffic is very heavy in Beijing.It was a road accident.n.公路n.交通事故;意外事件Bump!碰撞What happened?People in Beijing like taking the underground.undergroundn.地铁But it is so crowded that there is hardly room to stand. 挤得几乎没有站立的地方。adj.拥挤的,人数过多的So most of his classmates ride bikes to school.They think riding bikes is the cheapest(最便宜的),and the safest(最安全的).Wow! Don’t drink! It’s dangerous.Remember to be careful all the time.一直,不断的n. 同班同学Wang TaoSome students live the closest(最近的)to school, so they walk.A few students live the farthest(最远的)from school, so they sometimes go to school by taxi. It’s also the most expensive(最贵的)plete the sentences with the words or expression in the box.accident crowded except most modernprep.除……之外Can you remember the new words?


