我最美丽的时刻为这?我已在佛前求了五百年?求他让我们结一段尘缘??佛于是把我化作一棵树?长在你必经的路旁?阳光下慎重地开满了花?朵朵都是我前世的盼望??当你走近请你细听?那颤抖的叶是我等待的热情?而当你终于无视地走过?在你身后落了一地的?朋友啊那不是花瓣?是我凋零的心Р一棵开花的树Р七里香Р七里香:植物名,别名月橘、十里香、石松 mon jasmin orange 学名 Murraya paniculata ,属芸香科,月橘属,常绿小灌木。其枝多,叶互生,花白,有强烈香气。相传距其七华里香味仍可闻,故名为“七里香”。Р衍生? 由于其茂密、香气浓厚的特点,七里香经常在文学艺术作品中被提及,用于表达某种特定的意境。Р花意:我是你的俘虏РWith its beautiful but not tacky language style , QiLiXiang attracts me deeply. It tells me what is love; forts me when I was lonely; even it teachs me how to miss my parents, my brothers, my friends. And the most critical thing is that it shows me the future of my love. Since my age,I am looking for the most beautiful love, and it is QiLiXiang told me that what kind of love is I'm looking for.? ? “却没料到,回首之时? 年轻的你,从未稍离”? ? This is why I love QiLiXiang.РThat’s all.? Thank you!