I broke my hymen getting that thing.谁怕谁为了赢得这奖杯我连处女膜都赔Р上了Р399--Is that why it's called a loving cup?这就是它成为你的"爱杯"的原因? Р400---200. -I have 200.-200 -有人叫价 200 Р401--Do I hear 225?还有加价 225 的吗? Р402--Look, Hamish.听着 Hamish Р403--I know you have no interest in what I would normally 我知道你对我即将使出的胸器Р404--offer you to get what I want.不感兴趣Р405--Don't be so sure. I was bisexual till I was 62.你知道个啥老子 62 岁的时候还是个双性恋Р呢Р406--Look, Katie Holmes really wants this,凯蒂·霍尔姆斯真的很想要这个Р407--and she's been through a lot.而且她已经心力交瘁Р408--True. It's yours. I'm out.确实是杯子是你们的我退出Р409--200 going once, going twice.200 元一次 200 元两次Р410--- Sold. - Yes, I'm rich!- 成交- 棒透了我有钱啦! Р411--Did you just Say "I'm"?你刚才是说"我"吗? Р412--I think you're hearing me wrong.你肯定是听错了Р413--Okay, before we use all this money on the business,好吧在我们用这些钱大展宏图之前