
破产姐妹 第一季第一集台词 打印版

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Fine, you can have eight, one for each ab. Р好吧看在八块腹肌的份上给你八分钟РStand clear of the closing doors. Р关门请注意РWell, I can cross that off my bucket list. Р太好了死前心愿又完成了一样РI have a taser! Р我有电击棒РOh, my God. Р天啊РI am so sorry. Р真是万分抱歉РI didn't think it would hurt so much. It's pink. Р我以为这只是粉红小电棒РIt didn't feel pink. Р我都要被电成炭粉了РI didn't know it was you. Р我刚真不知道是你РI thought I was being raped. Р我还以为自己被人强奸了呢РThat's not what rape feels like. Р摸你的手算个屁强奸啊РDid you... did you sleep on the subway? Р昨晚...你是在地铁上睡的吗РI had nowhere else to go, Р我没地可去Рand I'm too afraid to sleep outside on the street. Р又不敢睡大街上РGod, you're spoiled. Р天啊还真是娇生惯养РNext stop, Greenpoint. Р下一站格林中心РUgh, get your stuff, come on! Р快拿好你的行李РI'll take you to my place, but hurry. Р我带你去我家吧快点РCause I have to be in the city in 30 minutes. Р我要三十分钟内赶回市中心


