
王力《 汉语诗律学》 诗律补正.pdf

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1545 (e) Р Р—— 2003 《王力近体诗格律学》, 太原: 山西古籍出版社。Р—— 2004 《古体诗律学》, 北京:中国人民大学出版社。Р(清)彭定求等编纂,陈尚君等增修 1999 《全唐诗》(增订重印本),北京:中华书局。Р余乃永校注 2000 《新校互注宋本广韵》, 上海:上海辞书出版社。Р(清)王夫之等 1999 《清诗话》, 上海:上海古籍出版社。Р郭绍虞选编 1983 《清诗话续编》, 上海:上海古籍出版社。Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р Р作者简介:李斐,博士,香港岭南大学中国语文教学与测试中心语言导师。Р联系方式:香港屯门岭南大学中国语文教学与测试中心Р Р Complement on Rhythm Part of Chinese Poesy Rhythm by Mr. Wangli Р LI Fei Р Abstract: Mr. WANG Li’s Chinese Poesy Rhythm is a great works in that area. But because of Р the limitation of times, it has some errors and oversights. This paper corrects the errors, makes Р up the oversights, and explores some disputing questions, and hopes to make the Chinese Poesy Р Rhythm more perfect. Р Keywords: Chinese Poesy Rhythm, instance of poem, error correction, oversight making up Р Р 55


