
NBT 31082-2016 风电机组塔架用高强度螺栓连接副

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:15 |  大小:979KB

tomatic confining pressure control system Р· Computer-controlled pulse generator que increases the upstream pressure and Р equally decreases the downstram pressure. Р· The system uses high pressure to reduce the impact of gas slippage Р· Welded tube manifold and zero-leak fittings for minimizing gas leaks Р· Leak check routine included in the Coretest Systems proprietary software Р· High-pressure, solenoid-actuated, constant-volume/pressure valves Р· Computer and software included; Р Р SPECIFICATIONS: Р· Core sample diameter: 1.0", 1.5", or 30 mm Р· Core sample length: 0.125" to 3.0" Р· Permeability Range: 0.00001 mD (10 nD) to >0.5 mD Р· Maximum Pore Pressure: 2,500 psig Р· Maximum Confining Pressure: 10,000 psi Р· Temperature Control: Forced-air flow to +/-0.5 °C Р· Pulse Range: 5-50 psi


