
国际金融 第14版 (托马斯.A.普格尔 著) 课后答案

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ainstР the currency required largeerventions to defend the currency's pegged value, so thatР the government was more likely to run so low on official reserves that it was forced toР devalue.Р12. The a. dollar bloc and the euro bloc. A number of countries peg their currencies to the U.S.Р dollar. A number of European countries use the euro, and, in addition, a number of otherР countries peg their currencies to the euro.Р b. The other major currencies that float independently include (as of the beginning of 2002)Р the Japanese yen, the British pound, the Canadian dollar, and the Swiss franc.Р c. The exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the other major currencies have beenР floating since the early 1970s. The movements in these rates exhibit trends in the longР - 9 -Р 若侵犯了您的版权利益,敬请来信告知!


