e NodeР Node NodeР Arrival ArrivalР Buffer BufferР D (t)Р Scheduler Scheduler CР D(t) D(t)Р A(t)Р A(t)Р link linkР AC(t)Р ()(a) per-flow sc hdliheduling (b) aggrega te sch hdliedulingР《网络专题选讲》-8-РScheduling: Multi-workР Arrival Node 1 Node 2 Node M DepartureР A1(t) D1(t) A2(t) D2(t) AM(t) DM(t)Р A(t) D(t)Р Link Link Link LinkР (a) Per-flow schedulingР (b) Aggregate schedulingР《网络专题选讲》-9-РRequirementsР Characterizations of a flow and the service to this flow Р either at a single node or in workР Beginning with the two characterizations, solve the Р measures of service experienced by the flowР Service metricsР mainly involve delay, queue length and lossР usually care only upper boundsР could be feasibly derived from the characterizations of Р flow traffic and serviceР《网络专题选讲》-10-