NMENTAL EFFICIENCY CASBEE FOR RENOVATION(BRIEF VERSION) YU Liang,GAO Wei,WANG Haiyu,FENG Guohui (Shewang Jianzhu University,Shenyang o6s) Abstract:This paper tookCASBEE-Renovation(Brief version)for important ex锄ple,眦d elaborated its statusinCASBEE family,development background,charac锄8tlcs,principles, evaluation obi ects,evaluation method,weighting factor and SOupon indeta¨I’here±ore wa8 convenient for us toleam more about characteristics and evaluation method of the renoVatlon ofexistingbuildings deeply,and thusitcould provide references andtheo。etlcal8uPPort tothe develoDment of our country for the evaluation system of renovation ofexlsting bulldmgs· Keywords: CASBEE—Renovation(Brief version); Building integrated enVlronmen‘a1 Derformance;Renovation ofexisting buildings;Evaluation system