

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:5 |  大小:0KB

U. S. A.) Abstraot Nine new 讪 oompounds L [M s 0 2 S S J [M=Mo , W; L= (n-B 的公 N Ph 4 P , Py016HS3 , (OH s ) SN0 16 H ss , Et 4 N] we 1' e prepared by 。但 on of [NR 4 J MOS 3 wi 地 LBr and HOAo Jn m 的 hano1 0 1' of [NH 4 J llMoO Sa wi 也 LB in m 的 hano1 at 1<0 0 and oharao 抽 by e1ementa1 analysis , IR , UV spectra and sing1e y 的 X-ray 也筐 rωtion ana1ysis. y 的 data a 1' e as follows: [(n- BU)4NJll[Mos02SdJ (1) :Spaoe group P2 α=15.910(2) b=15 .4 11(1) , 0=20.407(5)λβ= 103 .4 0 (1) , V = 4867 . 5 1 气 Z=4. The 直 na1 R=0.060. [(n- Bu) N]ll[WSO !l SgJ (5): Spaoe g 1' oup P2 α=15.898 (4), b -15.674( 刻, 0=20.409(9)1.β=103.43(3)0 V=4946.51 3 , Z=4. The final R= 0.05 1. This pape 1' also p op 倒 a 皿ωhanis 皿 the ma of olusters.


