g to our peace, that we may account all things but as dross parison of him; and that we, tasting the first-fruits of the glory that is to be revealed, may long for a more full and munion with him, that where he is, we may be also, and enjoy the fulness of those joys and pleasures which are at his right hand for evermore. 因为我们过去曾是听而无益的人,现在也无法按理领受上帝深奥的事和耶稣基督的奥秘,那是需要属灵的分辨力才能做到; 因此我们祷告, 主教导我们使我们得益处, 愿祂施恩倾倒恩惠的灵, 连同外在恩典的途径, 使我们晓得基督耶稣我们主的奇妙, 在祂里面, 关乎我们平安的事, 以至于使我们把万事与祂相比时都看作粪土; 使我们这些先尝那将要显现的荣耀的人可以盼望与祂更丰富更完美的相交, 以至于他在哪里, 我们也能在那里, 使我们永远享受祂右手中那满足的喜乐和福乐。 More particularly, that God would ina special manner furnish his servant (now called to dispense the bread of life unto his household) with wisdom, fidelity, zeal, and utterance, that he may divide the word of God aright, to every one his portion, in