0111"CI:in Sichuan province;T testWaS used pare thebe,d-nurse ratioofgeneral hospitals in tscale anddifferent rankwitlaauthorized standard ofMinistry of PublicHealth;lanl【test WaS used pare theacademic andtcelmieal level ofnursing staffincity andcountryside;and掣test WaS used pare thecmploying method ofnursing staffincity andcountryside. ResulIs: 1.Every 1000 lOCI'SOil hasO.70lllltl'S鹤in$iehuanprovince and thisnumber has been stableduring 1999 to2003;the annual incremental rateoftotal nursing staffamount is0.35%during thisfiveyears which is farbehind thatofeconomy developing inhigh speed; 2.The average bed—nul'se ratioofgeneral hospitals indifferentscale is 1:0.44,1:0.50,1:0.50,andaverage thebed-ilUI'Seratio inlarge SCale general hospitals whose bednumber is illore than500 issignificantly 8