ael J.Spendolini)?进行组织比较?进行组织改善?赶超行业最佳作业规范?设定产品或流程目标?建立优先顺序、标的和目标?被肯定为?被承认为?被认定为?被公认为?行业佼佼者?世界级?最佳作业典范代表?组织?公司?机构?持续的?不断的?长期的?系统化的?有架构的?正式的?分析性的?有组织的?流程?做法?评估?了解?核定?衡量?比较?作业方式?产品?服务?工作流程?营运?功能为了针对一些的以与其123456789Benchmarking 的定义Benchmarking describes the process of improving performance through continuous identification, understanding and adapting outstanding practicesand process found inside and outside anization and implementing the results.Benchmarking is the process of paring your anizational structure, processes and performance against those of good anizations globally with a view to achieve business excellence.Benchmarking provides the key interface between identifying and understanding the key criteria for change and attuning these to the reality of anizations in the global economy.