ad influence on young minds. For instance, some TV\rshows have too much violence and crime. These programs may lead youngsters astray.\rIt is easy for students to become addicted to the excitement of these programs and\rneglect their homework. Parents must, there- fore, keep an eye on what their children\rwatch.\rÔÕÖ\rÔÕ»¤×ØÙÚÛÜ<ݪ?ÞÅÆ0Àß@àÎ?áâ\rã ÔÕä*åæ<ç衸äQ9éàêëìí±\rBîïðñ¡ òóä?ôÕõ)¤ö÷EFøù¤úûüý´Èþ\rÔÕä.\rLesson 148 Hurry Back\rSheila Hey, Stan, can you do me a favor?\rStan Sure. What is it?\rShelia Can you keep an eye on the kids while I go to the doctor's?\rStart OK, but hurry back!\r©ÿ\r 0@P`p?`\r??\rp?@\n\r 0@\n\r\r? \rp?@!`"#?$%