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ing. May I come in ? è ? é ‰ 0( C X ” ' 7 8\rBç Yes, please. d ” `\rAç When would you like me to do your room, sir?\rE F ê ë 2 (  ì R è í 0  8\rBç You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my\rbreakfast when you came. But before you start, would you do this for\rme?\rîïf ð ñ ! " 0 C X 0ò\n' (ó - T ô † y õ `¯t"fˆ\röìR ÷ 0C X ø ( ù s 3 7 8\rAç Yes, what is i t ? t  0E F 8\rB ç I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water. I need some hot\rwater to wash down medicine after break-fast..\rø(PúSûüˆý`’i(ë2S3üý?þ`\rAç Im sorry that your flask is empty. Ill go and get you an- other flask\rthats full at once.\rMABfüýû² 0(./øfúSûÿ 0@\rBP Thank you. ``@


