n to the starting salary.\r?@``AB\r[1]CDEFGHI<J"\r[2]KLM.? +NMOPQ"\r[3]CRSTUV WXYZ[\]ST^_"\r[4] “/0\raCb?”"\r[5] “d e ,g b ”"\r[6] “h<igjk?lm” FG?U!nV"\r[7] “op0q”"\r[8] “rstu?vwxy”"\r[9]"{|uP""\r}L~\r1. } L , Facing the increasingly fierce competition,\runiversity students should try their best to change this\rsituation.\r~,xC 1
{<".\r2.} L :They should attach more importance to accumulating\rexperience than to their startin g salary\r~, ?{|uP? ?0\r"\r[KEY)\r1. Having experienced hardships, we will know better how\rto survive c risis.\r2. Obviously, we should attach more importance to one' s\rab i1itie s than to his degree.