DF for .NET.\r 2\n:;<=>??@ADE?BC\r! (5)\nIJKLMNO <PQRS\r 1 The statement is clear, it cant cause misunderstanding.\r 2 The statement is so clear that it cant cause any\rmisunderstanding.\r5 . WXR\r! (1) Our culture lets us make up for having lost our strength,\rclaws, long teeth, and other defenses.\r 1Z[\;]^_Z[`abcdefgehijklm\rnop\r 2qrab_cdefgehijklmnopst\;\rZ[u]_\nva\r!w I've told my theory to lots of people but nobody ever did\ranything about it except Harry.\r 1Z}~Z_@Pq
q0\r_\r 2Z}~Z_@Pq_
q\r0\r! (3)<.\r[ 1] The next meeting on Saturday will take place.\r[ 2] The next meeting will take place on Saturday.\r m ¡¢£¤¥