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urope''. C ities now m easure th eir appeal by th eir\rstations. Businesses cluster around them :at King's Cross, a once-grim y\rpart of north London, a postcode has been created for a ll the new\rbuildings around the station, which was redeveloped in 2013. John Lewis, an\rupm arket departm ent store, will open in the m all above New Street(which\ris indeed called z,Grand CentraT') along with 60 Other shops. The council\rhopes i t w ill pull in v isito rs to the city. Such am bition recalls the\rstations ofthe 19th century. Those structureszzspoke to the corporate\rsen sib ility of a city, “says Tristram Hunt, an MP and historicin, by\rcom bining com m erce with the sheen of civic pride. The f ir s t New Street\rstation, b u ilt in 1851, had the largest single-span roofin the country at


