ucated nation in Asia.\r%&µ¶U·?¸?²¹º»M¼½A¾¿@A¾¤JN¸À\rO\r4. On international relations China would continue to develop\rrelations with foreign countries in seeking a favorable international\renvironment for its reform and to make contributions to world peace\rand development.\r!¸ÁÂÃÄÅ?¸ÆÇÈÉÊ˸ÂÃÌÍiNγÏ?и\rÁÑÒÆÇÓÔ¿Õ¿ÈÉÖ×\r5. I'll keep at it-whatever the challenges might beRand never\rgive up until I achieve success.\r°ØVÅÙÚÛÜ%`VÝÞß°àáj3âã\r6. The latest research seems to imply that without the software of\remotional maturity and self-knowledge, the hardware of academic\rtraining alone is worth less and less.\r¤6äåæçèéêëì?í¿%îï",ñpò;ó¼½"iôp\ryyp?õö\rXIII.\r1 . B2. A3.C4. A5. D6.C7. B8. A9. D 10. C\r11 , A12.D13.C 14.B15. C16.D 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.B