_`N\rReview of Units 60 10\rThe Second Period\rTarget language:\r1. Where would you like to visit?\rI' d 1 ike to go Hol land.\rWhy do you want to go there?\rT want to see the windmiIls and smell the flowers.\r 2. By the time I was five, I had started learning English.\r Really? Where did you learn?\rI went to classes at an Engli sh language school.\r¡ 3. When was it invented by?\rIt was invented about a thousand years ago.\rWho was it invented?\rTt was invented by a Chinese man.\rWhat is it used for?\rIt is used for many things including writing and printing.\rHow has it developed?\rIt has developed by being created by machine rather than by hand.\rTs it paper?Yes, it is.\r教\r学\r反\r思\r-150- CTHIJK