\r1 ,µ¶/¨©&cýþ\r2 .µ¶/ÿ \r3 . 0@P` \rStep4> Consolidation\rl .Do a survey:the month of your birthday.\rReport: My birthday is in....\r2 .Listen and circle the right answer p?\r3 .Talk about the picture.\rStep5 Summing-up\rStep6> Homework\r1?p?? \r2? September?October?November\r3?\nLesson 160\r4? !"#$%&'\r()*+,\rLesson 16 Months of the Year(2)\rSeptember How is the weather in fall?\rOctober It's hot in September.\rNovember It's cool in October and November.\r#-./&'September?October> November0123456-78 \r9:;<=>?@SeptemberA?BCD&'EFG\rHIJK LM;01\rp?\r279:BNOPQRSTUVW;X!"` YZ;[\<]^012\r _`abcd9:\r0 12& 31e f 3a !0p?