w?\r4 ()?\rfg \rLesson 16 Months of the Year(2)\rSeptember How is the weather in fall?\rOctober It' s hot in September.\rNovember It' s cool in October and November.\rPartkFill in the blank.\rhot cool cold September December\r(1)A: How is the weather in fall?\rB: It' s in .\rIt' s in October and November.\r(2)A: How is the weather in winter?\rB: It' s not too cold in .\rIt' s very in January and February.\r?\r-44--.\rK89()?J ¡12¢()£\r!"p¤¥=¦MN£Z§0@¨?©ª|«¬p®¯°p±\r²³´°µ\n¶p·¸¹º'X»¼?½D¾¿ÀXÁ"pÂ\r=ÃÄPÅÆ¿ÀpÇKlmXÈÉp¤¥=>Ê5ËÌ5ªÍΣ¦\rX¨?\r-45-