ransaction, transition, transmission, transformation, transfer\rCET-6 `?0 \rtransaction n.!"#$%&\rTransactions of shares on the stock exchange were up today.'()*!+0\r,-.!/01?.\rtransition n . 345678950:;<$=>\rThe transition from high school to college can be difficult for students.@\rABCP$4`A8DA0;<EFG0\rtransmission n.HI3JKLM:NO-I The transmission of germs can occur by\rcontact, breathing, and eating.QRS;TUVWXYZHI transformation 1\r3[\]^_0:`a$`\$ba\rHis character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his\rmarriage.cdefg^hijkl\rtransfer n.bm$bnN3op0:qrN3st`0:uv$`awx\rThe club's goalkeeper isn, t happy here, and has asked a transfer.?yz{\r|}0~;