
BEC V 剑桥商务英语中级真题集 第三辑第四辑第五辑合并

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do that, they'll go out of business very soon.\rWoman: And what about their advertising?\rMan: Well, they're using modern media, like the internet, and targeting their advertising\rmore than they used to, fbr instance by moving from magazine ads to direct mailshots\rto companies. But these have an old-fashioned feel to them; the layout and graphics\rdon't seem to have changed for twenty years.\rWoman: Right. Now, let's go on to...\r[pause]\r? Now listen to the recording again.\r[pause]\r? That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your\rAnswer Sheet.\r[pause]\r? Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time ten minutes. Remind students when there is\rone minute remaining.\r? That is the end of the test.\r114


